Friday, November 29, 2013

New Tradition.

What a wonderful, full, beautiful day today has been. The best part about Thanksgiving for me isn't the meal, but getting to spend time with my family. One thing I love about my family is that we are all about our traditions-especially on holidays. This year my mom and I started a new tradition. After the extended family had gone home and things quieted down, we decorated a gingerbread house together. Actually, it was my moms first time EVER decorating a gingerbread house. (Crazy, right???) We had so much fun and we're pretty proud of our little house. Can't wait to do it again next year!

I know it's not a cake, but I just wanted to share because we had so much fun making it. (And because it's cute!!)

I especially love the little garden in the back yard. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had a wonderful day with your families, enjoying all of your blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Best day! I especially like our Hobbit door & the trees! This definitely needs to be a yearly tradition.
