Sunday, October 27, 2013

Elder Zack Adair

So excited for my cousin Zack who will leave this Wednesday for the MTC in Provo!! Zack will be serving in the Washington DC South mission. He is going to be an great missionary! Zack is six feet and seven inches of pure awesome. I really enjoyed hearing him speak at his farewell. Can't believe how much he's changed and grown (Not just in height). But I am so proud of him and I know he's gonna do some awesome things.

I made these cupcakes for his open house after the farewell. (Chocolate Hazelnut and French Vanilla...They were yummy.)

Good Luck Elder Adair!! See you in two.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The cupcakes were a hit! And Zack IS going to make an awesome missionary. You just can't help but love the guy.
