Sunday, October 27, 2013

First Annual Marshall Family Halloween Party

I started itching to throw a Halloween party when I was flipping through my Rachael Ray magazine last month, looking at all of her cute Halloween party ideas. Of course, putting on a party is a lot of work so, naturally I teamed up with my mom. (She's really good at actually getting stuff done when it comes to these kinds of things.) She ended up doing a lot of the work and actually hosting the event but we had a lot of fun planning together and getting all the decor and games ready.  The party was a hit!! My family is so much fun.

I got to make the cake. It didn't turn out exactly the way I'd wanted it to-but it turned out cute!! 

Oh and P.S. Here are some cute cupcakes I did for work. Go in and buy them at The Fix!! :)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The party was definitely a team effort and a great success. Loved the Halloween cake - spice on the inside and VERY delicious!
